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"Prestige" insurance company is reorienting activities

The PRESTIGE insurance company continues to fulfill its obligations under the concluded contracts in accordance with their terms. In addition, Prestige Insurance Company is reorienting its business activities as an insurance agent and intermediary with other insurance and reinsurance companies.

In accordance with the reoriented activities, the Private Joint Stock Company "PRESTIGE" will have: company assets in the amount of UAH 103,519.3 thousand, equity capital - UAH 78,732.8 thousand, registered company capital - 49,000.0 thousand UAH The actual reserve of solvency of the "PRESTIGE" Company will amount to UAH 90,854.6 thousand and will exceed the obligations by 9.81 times, which will allow the Company to fulfill all its obligations to clients and intermediaries on time and in full.

PJSC "PRESTIGE Insurance Company" was established in 2012 - the company's shareholders are natural persons, citizens of Ukraine, the ownership structure is transparent, the company has insurance agency contracts for more than 20 classes of direct insurance and incoming reinsurance, and offers clients a wide range of insurance services

Currently, the regional network of the "PRESTIGE" Company consists of one directorate (in Zakarpattia region), one branch (in the city of Boyarka, Kyiv region), one point of sale (in the city of Bershad) and about 54 sales agents located in the regional centers of Ukraine, which provide a full range of insurance services to legal entities and individuals.

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