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Insurance of agriculture risks
Crop and agriculture insurance

Agricultural production is one of the riskiest areas of economic activity. The unpredictability of natural conditions and variability of harvesting volumes are the main factors affecting the income level of agricultural producers. Sowing and growing crops entails significant financial costs of your enterprise.

Prestige Insurance Company offers you to conclude an agricultural risk insurance contract.


What is insured?


Who can act as an insured?

Individuals and legal entities, regardless of ownership, residents and non-residents of Ukraine..


What insurance risks are provided by the insurance contract?

When insuring future harvest and perennial plantations, insurance risks are:


What is the size of the sum insured?

When insuring  future (expected) harves of crops of open and/or protected soil and/or perennial plantations – within the cost of future (expected) harvest, which is determined on the basis of average yield per 1 ha in a district or region, or according to accounting data on the Insurant's farm, as specified in the insurance contract, for the last 5 years or another period stipulated by the contract,  by multiplying the average yield by the price of the metric unit of the future crop (type of product) and the area accepted for insurance.

When insuring the actual costs of the Insured for sowing (planting) and growing crops of open and/or protected ground – in the amount of planned or average for the last 3-5 years farm costs for sowing (planting) and growing crops, based on the data of the plan of economic and social development of the economy (business plan), relevant accounting documents.

When insuring perennil plantations – by agreement of the parties on the basis of the Insurant's accounting data, inventory cards for accounting of these plantations or the average cost of similar plantations on one hectare, prevailing in this district or region.


Does the contract provide for a franchise?

The size of the unconditional franchise is set by agreement of the parties.


How much does an insurance contract cost?

The insurance rate ranges from 2,0% to 7,0% and more of the sum insured.


For how long can an insurance contract be concluded?

The insurance contract is concluded for one year or another period agreed by the parties, but not more than one season (cycle) of growing one crop (group of crops).


Territory of the contract?

Ukraine (a specific place of cultivation of culture).


How is the amount of insurance compensation determined?

The amount of insurance compensation is determined on the basis of actual damage.

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