On April 17, 2023, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the PRIVATE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PRESTIGE INSURANCE COMPANY" was held. Shareholders' meeting held at the Head Office of the Company at the address: Kyiv, ul. Vasyl Stus St., 35/37, the report of the Board of the Insurance Company "PRESTIGE" on the results of financial and economic activities of PJSC "IC "PRESTIGE", the report of the Supervisory Board on the results of work, the report of the Audit Committee on the results of work in 2022 were heard and approved. The annual report of PJSC "IC "PRESTIGE" for 2022 was approved, as well as the report (conclusions) of the external independent auditor (audit firm) was За даними фінансової звітності обсяг страхових премій Страхової компанії «ПРЕСТИЖ» за 2022 рік склав 78,96 млн грн, що на 7,42 млн грн або 8,59% менше попереднього року, однак більше за аналогічний період 2020 року на 22,32 млн грн або 39,41%. Страхові відшкодування 2022 року склали 14,15 млн грн, рівень виплат становить 17,92%. Структура страхового портфеля Компанії за результатами 2022 року є наступною: на страхування майна припадає 84,84%, страхування відповідальності – 12,04%, страхування вантажів – 2,54%, особисте страхування – 0,59%. Такі показники свідчать про диверсифікованість страхового портфелю, чітке планування та виконання компанією стратегічних цілей. |
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Through the partner sales channel, the Company implements policies of compulsory third party liability insurance for land vehicle owners (MTPL), land transport insurance (auto-hull insurance), policies of the International Automobile Insurance System "Green Card", as well as concludes contracts of other types of insurance. Thus, the amount of insurance premiums under policies sold by Prestige Insurance Company as an intermediary for 2022 is UAH 9.93 million, including Compulsory MTPL - UAH 8.20 million or UAH 7.7 thousand. policies (in 2021 – UAH 9.83 million or 9.7 thousand policies), of which under electronic policies – UAH 6.06 million, more than UAH 5.0 thousand. policies, or 73.9% of the total number of concluded MTPL agreements, "Green Card" - UAH 1.43 million or 507 policies, auto-CASCO - 293.7 thousand. UAH. The company is focused on working with legal entities. According to the status of the insured, 83.17% of insurance premiums account for payments from legal entities, for reinsurers – 2.05% and 14.78% – for individuals. The insurance reserves of the company amounted to 7669.0 thousand tons. UAH, company assets – 65593,0 ths. UAH, equity capital – 47099,0 ths. UAH. The actual solvency margin is 46599.0 thousand tons. UAH and exceeds the normative by 3.99 times, which allows the Company to fulfill all its obligations to customers on time and in full. |
In accordance with the main issues, the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders, decisions were made on: re-election/election of members of the Supervisory Board of PJSC "IC "PRESTIGE", amendments to the Charter, Regulations on the General Meeting of Shareholders, Regulations on the Supervisory Board, Regulations on the Management Board, Corporate Governance Code, Regulations on Management and Control Bodies of the PRIVATE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "INSURANCE COMPANY "PRESTIGE", on increasing the authorized capital of PJSC "IC "PRESTIGE" by additional issue of shares of the existing nominal value due to additional contributions of UAH 7.0 million. Prestige Insurance Company was established in 2012, the shareholders of the company are individuals-citizens of Ukraine, has 14 licenses for voluntary and 11 licenses for compulsory types of insurance, and offers clients a wide range of insurance services.
Currently, the regional network of Prestige Insurance Company consists of one directorate (in Zakarpattia region), five points of sale (in the cities of Bershad, Boyarka, Lutsk, Tyachiv and Kherson) and about 55 sales agents located in regional centers of Ukraine, providing a full range of insurance services to legal entities and individuals. |